Saturday, November 30, 2013

Late, can't sleep

In a case of life imitating art again, I have a painful blister on the back of my tongue, not sure what to do about it, gargled with Co-Q10 mouthwash and am hoping for the best.  Why life imitating art?  Well, because my revenge/poisoning task for class wasn't to kill anyone, it was just to give someone mouth and facial sores to ruin a photo shoot. (I wouldn't really do it, you just have to push things out to the extreme for the tasks...makes me feel a little whiny.  It hurts.)  I told another housemate about it, he thought I seemed conflicted just in the telling of it.  I just finished reading that section in the Bill Esper book, should look at it again (about choosing a task.)  Set up a couple of chair exercises too, I want to start doing them again, and they are both with people I haven't worked much with this quarter.  I want to break through my emotional "lid" (or at least crack it) before winter quarter starts, all the work builds on the ability to react truthfully in the exercises and I don't feel I'm there yet.

I've done next to nothing the last couple of days, which is nice.  I bought coffee and vitamins today, and then half-watched the Apple Cup, did some script work, and went over to a friend's house.  I'm wide awake now because the coffee was late in the day (and my tongue hurts...Hey Universe! It was imaginary!

Here are a couple of pictures of Belltown (formatting is goofy, I'm not sure whom the artist of the painting is):
Belltown parking/L. Herlevi 2013

Artwork in Bedlam/L. Herlevi 2013

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