Thursday, November 28, 2013


Was feeling a little lonely, not being with family (saw family last weekend) so went to the grocery store because I wanted to be around people; it was packed.  Starbucks was open as well.  Came home and made an apple pie to share with my housemate who felt like she wanted a pie.  Got a little lazy with the top crust, a little ugly, but it tastes fine.  Think I'll make truffles and go over my script a few more times.  (That's what the ganache was for, it's not really poisoned, though in retrospect, woulda' been better if I hadn't poured off cocoa butter in my panic.  Still tastes good, just harder to work with.)  I'm going to a post-Thankgiving shin dig tomorrow night, so it's fine.  I just don't like being alone on holidays.  We used to do an "orphan" Thanksgiving at my old house, but it's been awhile.

Thankful for my family.  Thankful for how beautiful today was.  Thankful that someone will eat my cooking (that I have people to share it with.)  Thankful the store was open.  Thankful that I live in a city with the best radio station (KEXP) and a great video store.  Thankful that I got into this acting program, and with the people I'm with this year.  Thankful that the sky is clear and the stars are out.  Thankful for friends.  Thankful for my colleagues at work.  Thankful that my walk to work every day fills up my senses.  Thankful that I like to cook.  Thankful for books.  Thankful for music.  Thankful that I can sing again after how much it hurt earlier this year.  Thankful that my foot has been better.  Thankful for encouragement and inspiration.  Thankful for the things my sister has gifted me with this year.  Thankful for having the courage to scare the shit out of myself this year and push out my boundaries of what I felt was safe and comfortable.  (Thankful for the people I shared those experiences with, it meant more because they were there with me.)  Thankful that I'm laughing (a whole lot) more.  Thankful for the person who continues to push my buttons and makes me look at myself and become a better person (maybe that's all it is, but that's a gift in any life.)  Thankful that my heart is more open now than a year ago.  Thankful for being alive at this moment and place.

Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you feel blessed in your life.
Pie/L Herlevi 2013

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