Friday, November 1, 2013

Week went by fast

Perhaps I was being harsh, but it makes me feel a bit like a pariah if someone has to be drunk or stoned to be with me or to talk to me, like that's the only way they can tolerate me, but hey, I'm what's available, so they will try.  I was seeing someone earlier this year that was always on something when we saw each other.  I liked him too, just seemed like he was never fully present with me (people do that with texting as well, not just drugs.)  Maybe face-to-face interaction is taken for granted, or it's just too immediate for people. I want you to be with me when you're with me and not keep a wall between us, if that seems demanding, so be it.  If I wanted to be alone, I wouldn't be with you. (Maybe when you've known each other for awhile that's fine, but not when you're getting to know someone.)  I'm not really ragging on him specifically, it's a pet peeve of mine.  We are becoming too disconnected and desensitized to each other's humanity, but that's another issue.

Being visited by the small, round birds. I think they are picking bugs off of the leaves.

Not ready for Sunday's class, don't have a task, and I have to work tonight, so won't get much writing in on that, maybe tomorrow.  Picked up a Jean Bendetti (on Stanislavski) book at the library last night. It's not the one I was thinking it was.  This one uses Hamlet as an example throughout, much thinner. Oh, the book I was looking for is called An Artist's Work.  (And apparently a DVD I turned in last night, didn't scan as being turned in so I'm gonna get fined for it. Yea. That branch is closed today, so can't do anything about it until tomorrow.)

On a happier note, there was a short blurb in the news where a pod of orcas escorted a ferry carrying native artifacts back home. And that's really cool.

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