Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday-in the calm before the storm


What I re-read between missing busses 2 and 3 last night:
Letting ourselves be seen as weak, hurt, tearful, angry, vindictive, sweet or sentimental can make us cringe.  Even though the circumstances are imaginary, being witnessed by others in ways that are so essentially private, can make us want to hide.  This is why one of the prime characteristics of actors is courage.  If you are not willing to risk looking like a fool, you will not grow as an actor.
It takes courage to push past the areas in which we are comfortable, it takes courage to go beyond easy charm or reflexive anger; to go beyond the domesticated emotions we allow ourselves to show on a daily basis; to move past our everyday persona's. 
-From Acting Under the Circumstances-Variations on a Theme of Stanislavski by Richard Brestoff 

It helps to see it's universally recognized as a struggle, that I am not alone in hitting this wall.  And Robin called actors "Athletes of the (f'ing) heart" the other night.  Yeah, I think that's true.

My mind is otherwise occupied by 80's hair bands and watching the rain hit the leaves and knock the petals off of the flowers, and wondering where the hummingbird goes when it's not here.  And I think we should have each other's backs; we, at our most divisiveness, are more alike in our struggles for survival and happiness, than we are alike to those who use us as pawns to tear each other apart.  We need each other.  Don't let them win.

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