Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday night

So, I did a revenge task, but I must have been too conflicted...I didn't feel bad about it...and I have no intention or desire to get back together with person (ex-boyfriend.)  Maybe the situation was too close to the truth, though I hadn't intended it to be, just pushing out the kernal of truth, though in retrospect, not far enough.  When I had thought it was about someone else, she mentioned it should destroy the chances of something they really wanted, and I thought that's what I was doing: it was something he would want.  Now my question is: How imaginary is imaginary?

My mess this morning involved a separated ganache.  I looked online and the first answer involved precise temperatures and candy thermometers, ahhh, that wasn't gonna happen.  At the very bottom was the tip "add a tablespoon of cold cream" which I did 2x, but it was helped mostly by sitting there and letting the cocoa butter solidify, then voila, it recombined.  Maybe I'll take the rest to a party, can't remember how long it's good for.

Gonna try to read the script mechanically and write it out once before falling asleep.  Very close to falling asleep.  We weren't all that physical tonight, though perhaps waking up at 4 am has something to do with it.

The nice thing about being this exhausted (mentally as well as physically and emotionally) is that a lot of the things I cared about earlier in the day no longer matter to me.  They are what they are, and I might as well see them as such and not how I want them to be.  I'm an outer planet, I receive the sun's warmth but I'm not in the inner circle.  Not sure if that's good or bad, though I imagine it would depend on who's perspective: from mine, it's probably a good thing.

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