Monday, June 17, 2013

Robin sang really early

The robin sang briefly around 4am this morning. It must be busy. Incidently, what I said about suffering was unrelated to the performances I saw, even though they dealt with that. It was in response to articles and pieces I've read recently that mention it with such certainty, that it's a given that that's all there is, all we can expect out of life. It's only one belief, but repeated so certainly, almost by rote sometimes. Mine's just another one, to counter it, a pause to plant a seed of doubt in that idea. To provide that option that maybe you don't have to blindly accept it. There are examples in the world to support either, I just would rather have hope.

Later. At work. A robin just landed on my window sill, chirped, when I looked up and saw it, it looked back at me and then flew away.  Oh, now it's leaping from branch to branch in the camilla bush.

Oh, wow. A bit of chills in my body. I looked up the plant. It would be good for all of my health issues. Who was that man?

Just read a compliment for a theatre thing I've been working on, and not feeling like it was getting anywhere. Means a lot and needed hear it. So much art happens in a vacuum.

I'm trying not to write another post. I realized the other thing that threw me off about Paul's performance was that original press info for the show didn't sound like it had anything to do with what was actually presented. I'll have to look to see if I can find it again (something to do with "this is a great, great town, with great, great people," and that doesn't sound like a show about death and loss and attempted suicide.) And my friend got side-tracked and missed the whole mainstage this past weekend, so I can't ask her. She was also confused by the same piece I was for the studio showcase. Oh well. Visually interesting at any rate.

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