Saturday, June 1, 2013


Well, the editing software that we have on the computer doesn't seem to want to let us do fine enough cutting, so we might have to find some other software to edit on. The good part is that we got the super rough edit done, and it's in the order we want (but at 17 minutes, too long, and with another rough cut we can cut the time at least by half, some shots I only want a couple seconds of.) The other good part was the bad stuff was hilarious and I really needed to laugh. (We probably don't need to keep the last segment in, but it is oddly a very Finnish moment.) Then I went and used another one of the prescription massages, and came home and dealt with the garbage, getting a shard of glass in my hand in the process, it bled a lot, so hopefully won't get infected. My former housemate left a very long and convoluted message on my answering machine, at one point talking about skateboarding past my house last night. That actually made me laugh, too. I need to reserve space for the editing again. (And I didn't realize how much I talk like a valley girl until I watched the video or that my voice tone in Finnish is totally different than when I speak in English.  Guess I write like a valley girl, too.)

The traffic slows, the light fades and the robin sings its evensong.

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