Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The characters

Of course, "Johnny" is telling "Frankie" he wants to marry her and have a bunch of kids on the first date, which is waaaay too much, way too soon, that would definitely be a red flag if you had abuse or abandonment issues in your past. I was referring to further along in the relationship, not the very start when you're just getting to know someone, see if you like each other, if you are compatible. Then, after thinking about that, I fell asleep and dreamt about an environmental engineering firm tour.  Nothing to do with any of that, accept an old friend of mine was in it, and I had heard a conversation about how the legislature is distributing funds to higher education, the whole STEM thing, 'cos again, god forbid, we value a well-rounded educational system. Yes, there are jobs there, but not everyone should be going into those fields, and there is definitely value in the arts and humanities and language and cultural studies. It's so short-sighted to only value education with a dollar sign attached to it. So much talent, and other expressions of intelligence, is pushed aside, devalued, and neglected in the process. While engineers do important work, societies do need other types of thinkers, creators, artists, workers, etc, to actually function.

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